Thursday, August 22, 2024

UP Love

Hi y'all!  If you've been here for very long you probably know that I married a Yooper!  His hometown and mine (Westlake, LA) are just about as far apart north-to-south in the central part of the US as you can get!    

Here's the definition of Yooper and yes, it was indeed Patrick's nickname all through his career in the USN.  

For some reason, this designer paper made me think of the Upper Peninsula.  The colors are reminiscent of blue skies and that rusty iron/copper color that is so often seen in the water and rocks up there, so maybe that's why!

Patrick has an orange cap that has this map shape embroidered on it.  People always do a double take, expecting it to refer to Florida or Tennessee football.  Only a handful of people have recognized it as the outline of Michigan's U.P.  

The U.P. is also referred to as the 906 because that's their area code, so I had to stamp a 906 and some Yooper Love on the inside!


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