Thursday, June 20, 2024

America the Beautiful


Hello y'all!  

We have been watching Olympic trials all week so we have really been feeling all the patriotic vibes as our country's team is being chosen and the flags are waving all around!  There'll be Tour de France (and Tour de Fleece!) starting toward the end of June, then July 4th's Independence Day celebrations, and then the Olympics will begin on July 26 in Paris!  Lots to look forward to!  I'll be praying for the safety and success of all our athletes, along with continuing prayers for our country, its leaders and all of those who serve.

I'm really loving this new Patriotic Background and have enjoyed shuffling through my Stamp Simply sets to see how this stamp or that one would work with it.  Today I'm pairing it with the praying hands from our new-ish Pray Without Ceasing bundle and a couple of sentiments from one of our older patriotic sets, Patriotic Sentiments.  

For the inside, the sentiment is stamped on a fish tail banner, embellished with a heart-shaped button from stash.

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